Identify your potential clients
Increase your revenue
Know who shows interest in your products
Free consultation

We make you more successful

Permanent lead generation

Smiling business man on the phone

Measures that are measurable

Are you aiming to increase sales and boost your market presence? We are convinced that permanent measures in market cultivation can be measured over time. That's why our unique nationwide solutions start with "perma" as in "permanent". We support our customers with ideas that make them more successful. Our solutions are modular and can therefore be used individually or in combination as required. You decide!

Our customers confirm their success with

  • Increase in the contact rate
  • Increase in new customer acquisition
  • Closer customer loyalty
  • Reduction in acquisition costs

How do we support you?

We accompany you on the path to customer acquisition and support you at all stages of lead generation. We will also show you how existing customers can be tied even more closely to your company with our lead fundamentals.

Icon - Permalytics

by Permalytics

Do you know the profile
of your target customer?

The determination of target groups is the essential basis for the successful alignment of market development measures. Take advantage of our targeting options and address the right target group directly according to criteria such as company size, turnover, sector and location. This will help you avoid wastage in your marketing activities.

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Icon - Permadigital

Digital Marketing
from Permadigital

Too few visitors
on your website?

Increase interest in your services and achieve your marketing and sales goals. Promote your products and services via ads, landing pages or social media. We support you with solutions that are tailored to your needs.

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Icon - Permaleads

Lead generation
by Permaleads

Which companies have visited your
visited your website?

Permaleads recognizes the visitors to your website and which products and services are of interest. You receive a comprehensive overview of the companies and their behavior on your website. This valuable information supports your sales and marketing team in achieving their goals.

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Icon - Permacall

by Permacall

No time for the call to action?

We process your leads and support you in approaching customers directly. Use our time. We convert the generated leads into customer appointments for you. This allows you to concentrate on advising and closing the deal at the customer's premises.

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Which of these tasks can
we do for you?

Your benefits with Permagroup

Our solutions accelerate your acquisition process from targeting through to successfully arranging appointments

  • Define target groups by analyzing national and international market data
  • Launch marketing campaigns, digitally and targeted at the right target group
  • Identify new customers when they visit your website
  • Schedule meetings with selected prospects with potential


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Ready for the next step?

Start a free trial of Permaleads now!

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