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CRM integration with Permaleads Connect

Permaleads Connect automatically integrates the company information of your website visitors into your Microsoft Dynamics 365 or Salesforce. Lead management experiences a substantial increase through the automated transfer of new company information and the addition of existing customer information, thus avoiding manual, time-consuming and error-prone effort.


Permaleads Connect offers a compact solution for the following questions:

  • How can new leads be automatically recorded in the CRM?
  • How can the efficiency of lead processing be increased?
  • How can tasks and opportunities be automatically assigned to the appropriate sales staff?
  • How can the effectiveness of marketing campaigns be measured directly in CRM?
Bild Connect

On sale

Your benefits with Permaleads

  • Customer acquisition
  • Customer expansion
  • Customer recovery
In marketing

In marketing

Your benefits with Permaleads

  • Campaign success measurement
  • Competitor recognition
  • Budget optimization
In customer service

In customer service

Your benefits with Permaleads

  • Problem recognition
  • Proactivity-action
  • Increase in service quality

Data integration with API and Permaleads Connect

Use our data interface to easily integrate Permaleads information into your operational systems, such as CRM or ERP applications.

Permaleads Connect offers a wide range of options for integrating Permaleads information into your CRM. This means that all company visitor information and other features are automatically transferred directly to your CRM without error-prone or time-consuming entry. Updates are made in real time. A free trial of Permaleads Connect is available for Microsoft Dynamics and Salesforce at any time.

Take advantage of this opportunity and see for yourself!

Why Permaleads Connect
Simple installation
Free test
Swiss development
Error-free automation
Comparison with the latest lead information
Simple conversion of leads into opportunities
Uninterrupted information processing
Automated marketing measures
Connect Microsoft Dynamics 365

Connect Microsoft Dynamics 365


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Connect for Salesforce

Connect for Salesforce


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